How true. its a failure to de-program oneself while out. He probably never felt the need to really see the Org. for what is is,,just another quirky religion at best and a harmful cult at its worst,
I remember one Assy. experience of a couple who returned to the Org. saying that they always knew it still was the truth before they returned,,sounds like he had the same problem.Or it could be he has never been treated badly while in and succumed to intense" Love Bombing" when returning. I know it feels good to be the subject of such attention but that does not make it any less of a cult.While I was in the process of decoupling from the Org. I listened to a radio show while driving called Dr. Joy Brown she was a Psychologist and a good one but one of the things she said was that change rarely occurs unless people are forced too by events which make their current status in life too uncomfortable to continue as it is and only then do they change. It sounded like what I was experiencing.Who knows.